Blockchain / DLT
The Center for Innovative Finance's Blockchain / DLT research center is dedicated to exploring the implications of blockchain technology on financial markets, industries, and society. Our focus areas include general blockchain research at the intersection of economics and computer science, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the metaverse/Web3. We investigate the potential and the risks of smart contract-based protocols and decentralized organizations (DAOs) and explore how these innovations may affect financial infrastructure and other industries. Our studies include foundational and applied research.
Our Book: Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Cryptoassets
The blockchain is considered one of the most significant innovations of the decade, with the potential to impact the world to the same degree as the advent of the Internet. This book contains all the information required to understand this fascinating technology.
The book’s interdisciplinary perspective and technical comprehensiveness ensure that it will be equally interesting and readable for beginners and advanced learners. Therefore, this reading is essential for everyone who wants solid fundamentals in this matter.
Opinions and Reviews
This terrific book lucidly explains the key components of Bitcoin and Blockchain, including hashing, public key cryptography, and smart contracts, embedded in an excellent presentation of key concepts from monetary economics and discussion of recent challenges for cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies. If you are looking for one book on this topic, this is it.
Prof. Dr. Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago
Bitcoin made a big splash in the financial world. This accessible book is an excellent introduction to both monetary theory and crypto technology.
Prof. Dr. Markus K. Brunnermeier, Princeton University

Blockchain (General)
Our foundational research addresses key challenges in blockchain technology and encompass a broad range of topics, from economic scripting, scalability, and network forks to exploring the technology's use in specific areas such as academic credentials.

/ News, Research, Publication, Blockchain
Decentralized Crypto Governance? Transparency and Concentration in Ethereum Decision-Making
Publication by Cesare Fracassi, Moazzam Khoja, and Fabian Schär
/ Research, Blockchain, Publication, Journal Article
Blockchain Privacy and Regulatory Compliance: Towards a Practical Equilibrium
Publication by Vitalik Buterin, Jacob Illum, Matthias Nadler, Fabian Schär and Ameen Soleimani in Elsevier's Blockchain Research and Applications
/ Research, Publication
An Introduction to Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Blockchains and Economics
Working Paper by Aleksander Berentsen, Jeremias Lenzi and Remo Nyffenegger

Decentralized Finance
Decentralized Finance, also known as DeFi, represents a broad variety of blockchain- and smart contract-based financial protocols that can operate without intermediaries. Our research investigates the risks and opportunities of DeFi. We propose new algorithms to derive key metrics, apply economic models, conduct empirical analyses with DeFi data, and propose new decentralized protocols.

/ Research, DeFi, Publication, Journal Article
On DeFi and On-Chain CeFi: How (Not) to Regulate Decentralized Finance
Publication by Katrin Schuler, Ann Sofie Cloots, and Fabian Schär in the Journal of Financial Regulation
/ Research, Publication, DeFi
Contagion and loss redistribution in crypto asset markets
Publication by Katrin Schuler, Matthias Nadler and Fabian Schär in Elsevier's Economics Letters
/ DeFi, Publication
Tornado Cash and Blockchain Privacy: A Primer for Economists and Policymakers
Publication by Matthias Nadler and Fabian Schär in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, forthcoming

The Metaverse and Web3 have gained a lot of traction and may potentially reshape the internet. Our researchers are at the forefront of these developments. Our team has published articles and working papers on land valuation, governance and retailing aspects of the metaverse.

/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD, Publication, Journal Article, Metaverse
Land valuation in the metaverse: location matters
Mitchell Goldberg, Peter Kugler, and Fabian Schär's paper was published in the Journal of Economic Geography
/ Research, Metaverse, Publication
Retailing and Customer Engagement in the Metaverse: An Empirical Analysis
Publication by Mitchell Goldberg, Fabian Schär, and Dario Thürkauf
/ Research, Metaverse, Publication, Journal Article
Metaverse Governance: An Empirical Analysis of Voting Within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
Publication by Mitchell Goldberg and Fabian Schär in Journal of Business Research, Volume 160 (2023) 113764
News Articles & Media Coverage
The Center for Innovative Finance is committed to sharing its insights and findings with the broader public. Here you can find selected news articles, media coverage, presentations, and conference highlights, that provide a short overview of the Center for Innovative Finance's latest developments and contributions to the field.

/ News, Conference
Prof. Fabian Schär was a keynote speaker at the conference of the Banque de France in Paris
On January 28, 2025, the Banque de France held a conference on the topic: T2, T1, T0 : Go! The future of financial market infrastructures: What’s ahead?
/ News
SNB und der Frankenschock: Wie der Mindestkurs auch nach 10 Jahren nachwirkt
[GER] Prof. Yvan Lengwiler wird in NZZ Artikel zitiert