/ Events, University of Basel
Blockchain Challenge 2022 Gala Event

Gala Event hosted by the University of Basel in the Scope of the Blockchain Challenge 2022 with Final Student Presentations, Award Ceremony and Apéro
The University of Basel has been offering Blockchain courses since 2017. In various formats, students learn the theoretical foundations of this promising technology and get a chance to see beyond the hype. From cryptographic algorithms to mechanism design and various protocols, our students tackle a broad range of relevant topics. These foundations are essential to understand the technology and gain insights on how to apply it. Some of our best students have been working on Blockchain cases provided by aXedras, BearingPoint, Blackhawk Network, Chainlink Labs, Credit Suisse Asset Management (Schweiz), Novartis, Roche and Tezos.
Congratulations to Lena Mourad, Severin Plüss, and Tunç Polat for winning this year's Blockchain Challenge. The case provided by our project partner Credit Suisse Asset Management (Schweiz) AG encouraged the students to explore how to implement a blockchain-based marketplace for a closed-end fund in real estate.
Congratulations to Sercan Ates, Sandra Baader, Lukas Bütikofer , and Leonardo Norambuena. The team ranked second in this year's Blockchain Challenge. The case was provided by Blackhawk Network Europe and the students were asked to propose a blockchain-based architecture and explore how the technology could be used to extend the company's offerings.
Congratulations to Kai Mac Bajka, Jonas Ruchti, and Carlo Seppi for ranking third in this year's Blockchain Challenge. The case was provided by Chainlink Labs and the students were asked to explore how Chainlink's decentralized oracle network, Keepers, and the verifiable random function (VRF), can be used to create dynamic oracle-based NFTs.
Thank you very much to our networking partners: Arbeitgeberverband Basel, Handelskammer beider Basel, Kanton Basel-Stadt, Vereinigung Basler Ökonomen and WWZ Forum for the support!
And of course, to our external coaches, some of which have been part of the Blockchain Challenge since 2018: Eleonor Gyr, Markus Stauffiger, Benedikt Seiler and Raphael Knechtli.
This format would not be possible without the great project team consisting of Dario Thürkauf, Pirmin Özdemir, Katrin Schuler, Tobias Bitterli, Matthias Nadler, Mitchell Goldberg, Lorenz Geering and my colleagues Aleksander Berentsen and Walter Dettling!