/ Conference
G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Conference

Panel discussion including Fabian Schär as panelist on the topic «Policy Perspective: Debating the Road to Policy Consensus on Crypto Assets»
The venue was Bangalore India, which holds the G20 presidency in 2023. Fabian Schär was invited by the Indian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
India hopes to broaden the G20 discussion on crypto assets beyond financial integrity concerns and capture the macroeconomic implications and widespread crypto adoption in the economy. This will require a data-based and informed approach to the global challenges and opportunities of crypto assets, allowing G20 members to shape a coordinated and comprehensive policy response.
Delegations from all G20 countries, the most important international organisations and other countries participated. The delegations consisted of deputies or governors of the central banks, treasuries and ministries of economics of various countries.
Participants of the Panel Discussion:
- Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, division chief in the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Monetary and Capital Markets Department
- Hyun Song Shin, Head of Research at the Bank for International Settlement
- Hillary J. Allen, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Scholarship at the Washington College of Law
- Fabian Schär, Professor for DLT FinTech at the University of Basel
- Jörg Mayer, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations
- Eswar S. Prasad, Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University
Other speakers after the panel included:
- Agustín Carstens, General Manager of BIS
- Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF
- Nirmala Sitharaman, Finance Minister of India
Read press release: https://dea.gov.in/g20pressrelease/panel-discussion-policy-perspective-debating-road-policy-consensus-crypto-assets